• Steiff, M. & Ryan, S. (2016). Designing the Connected Chemistry Curriculum. In S. Svihla & R. Reeve (Eds.), Design as Scholarship: Case Studies from the Learning Sciences. (100-114). Routledge: New York, NY.
  • Stieff, M., & Ryan, S. (2013). Explanatory models for the research & development of chemistry visualizations. In J. Suits & M.J. Sanger (Eds.). Pedagogic Roles of Animations and Simulations in Chemistry Courses 9 pp.15-41). Washington D.C.: American Chemical Society.
  • Ryan, S., & Wink, D.J. (2012). JCE Classroom Activity #112: Guessing the number of candies in the jar- who needs guessing? Journal of Chemical Education, 89(9), 1171-1173.
  • Wink, D.J., Daubenmire, P.L., Brennan, S.K., & Cunningham*, S.A. (2008). Bringing social and personal perspectives into standards-based chemistry instruction in an urban school district. In S.L. Bretz (Ed.), Chemistry and the National Science Education Standards (69-78). American Chemical Society: Washington, D.C.


  • Stieff, M., Nighelli, T., Yip, J., Ryan, S., & Berry, A. (2012). The Connected Chemistry Curriculum (Vol. 1-9). Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago.
  • Wink, D.J., Brennan, S.K., Cunningham*, S.A., Shippy, S.A., Kassner, R.J. (2007). Course Planning Guide and Model Lessons for CPS 10th Grade Chemistry. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago.


  • Ryan, S., Yip, J., Stieff, M., & Druin, A. (2013). Cooperative inquiry as a community of practice. In Proceedings of the Tenth Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2013). Madison, WI.
  • Ryan, S.A.C., Wink, D.J., Goldman, S.R., & Pellegrino, J. (2010). Student ratio use and understanding of molarity concepts within solutions chemistry. In I. Maciejowska & P. Ciesla (Eds.), 10th European Conference on Research In Chemistry Education (pp 239-240). Krakow, Poland: Pedagogical University of Krakow.
  • Ryan, S.A.C., Wink, D. J., Goldman, S. R., & Pellegrino, J. (2010). Student interpretations of number in solutions chemistry. In M. Nodzynska (Ed.), 4th International Conference Research in Didactics of the Sciences (pp 99-100). Krakow, Poland: Pedagogical University of Krakow.
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  • Ryan, S.A.C., & Wink, D.J. (2010). Student conceptions of number in solutions chemistry. In Gomez, K., Lyons, L., & Radinsky, J. (Eds.) Learning in the Disciplines: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010) - Volume 2, Short Papers, Symposia, and Selected Abstracts (pp. 423-424). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.


  • Ryan, S.A.C., & Stieff, M. (2015). Efficacy of The Connected Chemistry Curriculum. 249th American Chemical Society National Meeting: Denver, CO.
  • Ryan, S.A.C.. (2014). Manipulatives as a tool for understanding what is in the black box. 23rd Biennial Conference on Chemical Education: Allendale, MI.
  • Ryan, S.A.C., & Anthony, S. (2014). Grounded theory as an analysis technique to capture student conceptions in chemistry. 23rd Biennial Conference on Chemical Education: Allendale, MI.
  • Ryan, S.A.C., Cole, R. & Bauer C. (2014). ANAPOGIL Project: A qualitative analysis of student problem solving strategies. 247th American Chemical Society National Meeting: Dallas, TX.
  • Ryan, S.A.C., & Wink, D.J. (2014). Proportional reasoning strategies in mathematics and chemistry. 247th American Chemical Society National Meeting: Dallas, TX.
  • Ryan, S.A.C., & Wink, D.J. (2013). Student use of proportional reasoning in domain-general and domain-specific concentration tasks. 245th American Chemical Society National Meeting: New Orleans, LA.
  • Ryan, S.A.C., & Stieff, M. (2013). Using multiple modalities simultaneously as an assessment tool for learning from visualizations. 245th American Chemical Society National Meeting: New Orleans, LA.
  • Ryan, S.A.C., & Stieff, M. (2012). Student drawings as an assessment tool for learning from visualizations. 22nd Biennial Conference on Chemical Education: State College, PA .
  • Ryan, S.A.C. (2012). Student ratio use and understanding of molarity concepts within solutions chemistry. 22nd Biennial Conference on Chemical Education: State College, PA.
  • Ryan, S.A.C., & Wink, D.J. (2010). Student interpretations of number in solutions chemistry. 21st Biennial Conference on Chemical Education: Denton, TX.
  • Ryan, S.A.C., Wink, D.J, & Marchlewicz, S. (2010) After School Matters science37 program in Chicago Public Schools. 21st Biennial Conference on Chemical Education: Denton, TX.
  • Cunningham*, S.A., Wink, D.J., Brennan, S.K., & Goldman, S.R. (2008) Student understandings of solutions. 20th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education: Bloomington, IN.
  • Wink, D.J., Daubenmire, P.L., Brennan, S.K., & Cunningham*, S.A. (2008). Bringing social and personal perspectives into standards-based chemistry instruction in an urban school district. 20th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education: Bloomington, IN.
  • Cunningham*, S.A., Wink, D.J, Brennan, S.K., & Goldman, S.R. (2008). Student understandings of solutions. 235th American Chemical Society National Meeting: New Orleans, LA.
  • Cunningham*, S.A., Wink, D.J., Brennan, S.K., Bertenthal, M., & Goldman, S.R. (2007). Development of a tutorial instruction method to study student understanding of solutions. 234th American Chemical Society National Meeting: Boston, MA.
  • Dianovsky, M., Cunningham*, S.A., & Wink, D.J. (2007). Using CASPiE as an introduction to research for pre-college students. 233rd American Chemical Society National Meeting: Chicago, IL.
  • Wink, D.J., Brennan, S.K., Cunningham*, S.A., Daubenmire, P.L., Shippy, S.A., & Kassner, R.J. (2007). Incorporating chemistry in the community in a comprehensive curriculum and teacher professional development program. 233rd American Chemical Society National Meeting: Chicago, IL.



  • Ryan, S.A.C. (2013). What’s behind door number two?: Other chemistry education research career opportunities. 245th American Chemical Society National Meeting: New Orleans, LA.
  • Ryan, S.A.C. (2012). Using multiple modalities simultaneously as an assessment tool for learning from visualizations. 2012-2013 Learning Sciences Research Institute Speaker Series: Chicago, Illinois.
  • Ryan, S.A.C. (2012). UIC's amazing women in STEM panelist. 10th Anniversary Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Dinner: Chicago, IL.
  • Ryan, S. (2011). Lessons Learned. Learning Sciences Student Association Meeting: Chicago IL.


  • Ryan, S.A.C., & Wink, D.J. (2013). Proportional reasoning solving strategies in mathematics and chemistry. Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry Education Research and Practice: Newport, RI.
  • Ryan, S.A.C., Stieff, M., Nighelli, T., & Yip, J. (2011). Using participatory design to develop visualizations for learning. Gordon Research Conference on Visualization in Science and Education: Smithfield, RI.
  • Ryan, S.A.C., & Wink, D.J. (2011). Student ratio use and understanding of molarity concepts within solutions chemistry. Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry Education Research and Practice: Davidson, NC.
  • Ryan, S.A.C., & Wink, D.J. (2011). Student ratio use and understanding of molarity concepts within solutions chemistry. 2nd Chemical Education Research Graduate Student Conference: Oxford, OH.
  • Ryan, S.A.C., & Wink, D.J. (2010). Student ratio use and understanding of molarity concepts within solutions chemistry. Transforming Research in Undergraduate STEM Education: Orono, ME.
  • Cunningham*, S.A., Wink, D.J., Goldman, S.R., Vassileva, M., & Pellegrino, J. (2009). Student understandings of solutions. Gordon Research Conference on Visualization in Science and Education: Oxford, United Kingdom.
  • Cunningham*, S.A., Wink, D.J., Brennan, S.K., Goldman, S.R., Marchlewicz, S., & Vassileva, M. (2009). Student understandings of solutions. Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry Education Research and Practice: Waterville, ME.
  • Cunningham*, S.A., Wink, D.J., Brennan, S.K., Goldman, S.R., & Vassileva, M. (2009). Student understandings of solutions. Chemical Education Research Graduate Student Conference: Oxford, OH.
  • Cunningham*, S.A., Dianovsky, M., Wink, D.J., & Gomez, K. (2008). Motivation and self-efficacy of high school chemistry students. 235th American Chemical Society National Meeting: New Orleans, LA.
  • Cunningham*, S., Wink, D.J., Brennan, S.K., Bertenthal, M., & Goldman, S.R. (2007). Studies of student understandings of solution. Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry Education Research and Practice: Lewiston, ME.
  • Cunningham*, S.A., Brennan, S.K., Bertenthal, M., & Goldman, S.R. (2007). Studies of student understandings of solution. 233rd American Chemical Society National Meeting: Chicago, IL.
  • Cunningham*, S.A., & Shippy, S.A. (2007). Fast MEKC analysis of amino acids with on-capillary LIF detection. The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy: Chicago, IL.
  • Cunningham*, S., Fosco, T., & Schmeling, M. (2004). Characterization of the Chicago land-lake breeze 2003. 227th American Chemical Society National Meeting: Anaheim, CA.

*indicates maiden name